High Protein Cake Mixes

Buff Banana Bread

Buff Banana Bread
  • 1 Lil Buff Protein cake mix (Fit-Fetti)
  • 1 egg white (46g) (3 Tbsp)
  • medium ripe banana (mashed)
  • 1/8th cup of milk (30-40mL) ( Unsweetened Cashew Preferred)


Follow standard directions for making a Lil Buff Protein cake as seen in the “How To” page. Instead of adding applesauce, substitute the mashed banana. Add a dash of cinnamon, walnuts, chocolate chips, or even some coconut flakes. Microwave for about 2:40. If you want to bake it in the oven to make a loaf, double the recipe and put in a small loaf pan (2 bananas, 2 mixes etc.). Preheat the oven to 300 and bake 30-40 mins or until the middle is not doughy. Make your own creation and post it. Use the hashtag #lilbuffprotein so we can see your awesome banana bread

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